Monday, September 15, 2008


I'm seriously still pumped! I'm working very hard to stay positive through workouts and eating. I spoke to one of the GWO's this weekend and told I can't wait to show her the video! They're totally dance freaks and are going to LOVE this.

I took down my measurements and weight last Monday and I did it again this Monday. You're not going to believe it. OK maybe you will but I couldn't. Just to let you know though I do not consider the weight accurate for multiple reason but the main is the 3 day weekend of partying I was involved in. I tried to be good but yesterday when mom brought over Swiss Steak (red sauce) like grandma use to make, well it was totally down hill. :( So worth the memories and tears though. However 3 days into it I was down 2 lbs! If I could have just focused I'd been down maybe 3 or 4.

Drum Roll Please

Bust 37 3/4 this week 37

Belly Button 37 this week 36 3/4

Waist 39 this week 38 3/4

Hip 42 1/2 ""

Thighs 22 1/2 this week 22 3/8

Calf 16 1/4 ""

Arms 13 1/4 this week 2 marks below the 1/4th

and the weight....






Rough weekend for weight, but I thought it was amazing results for measurements. I couldn't believe I was nearly down in all areas. I know what I need to do to get the bottom to go down but it's going to take a little time to be able to get down that low in the Zumba dance activity. I'm going to continue to focus this week and try to maybe do a little something extra for the booty. Don't worry I'll keep you all up to date!


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