Monday, July 9, 2007

Summer Time FUN

Isn't summer wonderful and exhausting? Ever year to show our appreciation to Mother Nature and her seasons we throw a Party! Summer Solstice is our favorite party of the year (except our birthdays, wink wink). It's the beginning of the "party season". Almost every weekend something FUN is happening outside. It is GREAT.

Since the solstice party we've the A-son's annual fourth of July party. This is at an unknown location in Podunk Indiana. Kegs of beer are served, volleyball & basketball are played, foods are brought in all the way from the east coast, a cannon goes off at the least expected time, and great conversation is stirred up about... What's new in your life?
This year ours was being married and potential real estate investment and our Vegas Trip (coming soon). The A-son's... Well J has the a new girlfriend, now is a body trainer, still playing and written his own music in Cal. B is still up-to-date with all the new technological devices include THE iPHONE. L is still working the garden end and I think her hair is getting longer. And finally there is J#1, who has became a organic developer! He work in the field of WORM POOH. As funny and bizarre as this seems it great organic fertilizer that ODORLESS and works great! If find he has a website I'll pass along his information.

Party#2 that same night. Back in H-ville. We were there for the fireworks show and slight awkwardness of my first time seeing the family open about my gay cousin and her future wife/life partner to come. After everyone (adult figures) left it was pretty much a normal exciting party. Plus they have a great new house to share.

Weekend 29-30: Storm nights and days created the weekend of rest. We watched movies, drank together, visited family, and on Sunday enjoy a new friend and her pond. I caught fish! Well everyone else did too.

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!!!!!!
It was a lazy day for me. I received a massage and then DH and I were off to the Sman pool for food, beer, and sun time. When we arrived we got to watch the Nathan's HotDog eatting contest -> GROSS! Then we came home to visit with my cousin and her girlfriend, it was a relaxing night.

7 / 7 / 07
The luckiest day of the year? I think Not! but it wasn't bad. I had another party today. A Jewelry party. Premier Design to be more specific. It was great!

Meet Stiffany

The show turned out great! And really why wouldn't it? It's awesome jewelry! I love wearing mine. Also, there was great food like a watermelon fruit basket, a cantaloupe dip bowl, Swedish meat balls, wings, homemade salsa (it was on the RAVE) and crab dip with crackers. Don't forget the desserts of ooey gooey chocolate walnut pie, Fruit Fluff over angel food cake, and Dark Chocolate cherry turnover. We also had PUNCH, it was out of this world (Spiked with VODKA :D)

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