Friday, July 6, 2007

2 spoons + cozy conversations = ICE CREAM

What is it about ice cream?
Everyone loves it! Children from itty bitty babies, to adults that really want to be children, to your favorite friendly pet Oscar the Dog!

Do you ever remember seeing the old photos of the couple having that magically moment over a hot fudge sundae or a malt?

I do! I loved it!

The idea that this creamy delicious treat can put you in a world far from the one you are in. A milestone, such as it is, I found that my husband and I share that same love. He personally could eat it every night. I on the other hand eat it rarely, but love it!

We've been married nearly a year and a few weeks ago we had parlor moment sharing ice cream on the love-seat and watching television. I didn't think to much of it other than it was parlor moment and I fell right back in love with him all over.

Well last night after dinner he rushed to the kitchen to find the Parlor. As he sat down again on the love-seat, he asked... "wanna grab a spoon?"
That's what a Parlor Moment is. That's what brings a couple to cozy conversations and wonderful love that must grow to the ages of dawn where ice cream parlor will once again be the in thing and finally memories will be able to set.

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